Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 9

You gotta love the days when you just aren't feeling like running.  You step on the treadmill and dread pushing the up arrow to increase the speed.  But you do it.  The first few steps feel like your legs are made of lead and you say to yourself, "okay just a couple miles".  10 minutes goes by and you think, really is that all the time that has passed? But then something amazing happens....a good show comes on T.V. and you get sidetracked watching it! You don't even notice you are running anymore and all of a sudden your 40 minutes in feeling like you could keep going....at least until the show is over. Thank god for the television this morning. My 2 miles turned into 5 because I NEEDED to know how this 650lb woman lost 500lb's on the Today Show.  It just goes to prove that it's mind over matter most of the time.

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