Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 1 Complete!

Alrighty, I hope everyone had a good first day with the challenge.  I didn't exactly wake up roaring to go Monday morning but I did manage to get a late workout in with Matt and eat clean throughout the day.

I also have my results from the fitness test:
2 mile run = 17 mins 1 sec
60 sec PushUps = 24
60 sec SitUps = 31

I debated posting my measurements on here but since I am the one who decided to start this thing I believe I have to do it.  Also, since this is a 3 month challenge I thought we should test ourselves monthly to see how we are progressing.  So 30 days from now we will do the fit test again.  Post your results in the comment box below so we can compare.

Here are my measurements:
139 lbs
Waist = 28 in
Hips = 34.5 in
Chest = 32.75 in
R.Quad = 21 in
R.Bicep = 11 in

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