Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 4

My goal is to try and go to at least 3 Crossfit workouts a week.  Last night our WOD (Workout Of the Day) was called Isabel.  This is where you have to snatch (yes that's right) a certain amount of weight over your head 30 times in a row and you are timed.  The Rx weight or what is called the "prescribed" weight for ladies is 95lbs and 135lbs for men.  Looking at those numbers you're probably thinking to yourself, well that doesn't seem too bad....or at least that's what I was thinking.  I then proceeded to pick up the 45lb barbell...hmmmm...this seems pretty heavy just on it's own never mind throwing some weight on there.  After a few practice rounds it seemed as though I would get no where close to the 95lb recommendation! My "prescribed" weight was a solid 50lb's. hahaha.  Nothing like throwing on a pair of 2.5lb weights, it barely lifted the bar off the ground.  I completed the 30 sets in 2:50.  Check out the link to see what the workout looks like when REAL crossfitters do it.  I by real I mean you must take off your shirt to do any work out in Crossfit. Seriously.

On another note, the chili turned out fantastic yesterday. I definitely recommend trying that recipe. I put it in the slowcooker for 7 hours if you want to do it the easy way like me.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Yowsa's! 95 lbs over your head??? I could do probably 20lbs at this point. Good for you with the 50!!!

    Ok, so, on to recipes. I've got a life changing one. Make it today.

    Saute onions, garlic, mushrooms, peppers, cauliflower and broccoil in a tablespoon of olive oil and saturate all the veggies in whatever kind of spice you love. I did these particular ones in a bit of super spicy curry spice and a whole lot of regular curry spice for an intense flavour that doesn't require any salt at all. When I say saturate I mean the veggies alone should almost be too powerful to eat.

    From there Pam spray (olive oil flavour) 2 large muffin tins and fill each muffin container 3/4 full with the veggies mixture. Pour egg whits out of the box on top of each "muffin" until the egg whites fill between the veggies and come right up to the top of the tin.

    Bake for 20 mins at 350. A little more if you prefer a browned top. You could even sprinkle with cheese at the last minute if you're not on my diet.

    Eat 2 as a meal (200 calories) with a salad or one as a snack. They keep in the fridge for over a week, they make about 20 muffins and they are wicked served cold! I eat them like a hamburger.


  2. YUM!! This sounds really good. Will be out to buy muffin tins this weekend :)
