Monday, January 9, 2012

90 Day Challenge

With January being the month of resolutions I wanted to create a place where friends and family can get involved in a 90 Day Challenge together.  I know most everyone wants to lose those extra lb's that they gained over the holidays! We are always so eager to get active in January only to have that dwindle away by the time March rolls around. What better way to stay on target than to have the people closest to you hold you accountable.

This 90 Day Challenge is meant to help motivate you and get you feeling your best.  I think we should measure this in a couple ways. First is a fit test. I thought we would use an official test, one that soldiers use!  They measure themselves thru: push-ups, sit-ups and a timed 2 mile run.  Record the amount of push-ups you can do in 1 minute and sit-ups in 1 minute and how long it takes you to run 2 miles. Post your numbers so we can keep track and refer to it in 3 months time.  The other measurement is, of course, your weight and inches.  You can keep these numbers to yourselves or feel free to post them if you like.

I encourage everyone to post links or info that you think might be useful during the 90 Days.  Let me know if you think I'm missing something. I'm going to wait a few days before officially starting this so that we can get a good group of people involved.  Looking forward to the 3 months ahead and seeing everyone's progress.  I'll post to let everyone know when it's ready, set, GO TIME!

Good luck!