Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 9

You gotta love the days when you just aren't feeling like running.  You step on the treadmill and dread pushing the up arrow to increase the speed.  But you do it.  The first few steps feel like your legs are made of lead and you say to yourself, "okay just a couple miles".  10 minutes goes by and you think, really is that all the time that has passed? But then something amazing happens....a good show comes on T.V. and you get sidetracked watching it! You don't even notice you are running anymore and all of a sudden your 40 minutes in feeling like you could keep going....at least until the show is over. Thank god for the television this morning. My 2 miles turned into 5 because I NEEDED to know how this 650lb woman lost 500lb's on the Today Show.  It just goes to prove that it's mind over matter most of the time.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 5,6,7,8

I guess I have a bit of catching up to do! 4 days flies by pretty quickly especially when every weekend is filled with "to do's" for our new life in Portland.  This weekend the focus was getting a desk and chair so we could set up the computer with all the fancy computer gadgets that Matt has.  It's one of the last pieces of the puzzle for the new town home. Matt's patience was tested when I attempted to put together part of the Ikea desk which included sawhorse legs.  I was rolling pretty quickly through the instructions and thought I had it all figured out. There was just one piece left....but why wasn't it lining up where it needed to be?  Hmmmmm....okay let's look at this again...not only did we have to take it apart once, twice but five times before we figured out that I had put the FIRST piece on backwards and it was screwing the whole thing up!!!  Needless to say, Matt took charge of the 2nd leg and finished it within 2 minutes.

Before all this went down we did manage to get a work out in and do Matt's fit test.  The workout was called, Breaking Point.  There is a great track around the Nike campus called the Berm which is 1.9 miles long.  The sun finally decided to shine and we used the track for the 5k portion of the Breaking Point workout, running the Berm twice.  Took us 35 mins to finish Breaking Point.

40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Pullups
10 Pushups
5km Run
40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Pullups
10 Pushups

Matt's fit test results:

2 miles = 15 mins 30 sec
60 sec Pushups = 44
60 sec Situps = 32

I wanted to mention another workout that we did tonight called the Dirty Thirty. I love these kind of WOD's because you are constantly moving for 20+ mins.  I highly recommend giving it a try. Here it is....

30 Squats
30 Situps
30 KB Swings 35lb/50lb
30 Box Jumps 20"/24"
30 Wallballs 14lb/20lb
60 Burpees
30 Wallballs
30 Box Jumps
30 KB Swings

30 Situps
30 Squats

Happy Monday everyone. See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 4

My goal is to try and go to at least 3 Crossfit workouts a week.  Last night our WOD (Workout Of the Day) was called Isabel.  This is where you have to snatch (yes that's right) a certain amount of weight over your head 30 times in a row and you are timed.  The Rx weight or what is called the "prescribed" weight for ladies is 95lbs and 135lbs for men.  Looking at those numbers you're probably thinking to yourself, well that doesn't seem too bad....or at least that's what I was thinking.  I then proceeded to pick up the 45lb barbell...hmmmm...this seems pretty heavy just on it's own never mind throwing some weight on there.  After a few practice rounds it seemed as though I would get no where close to the 95lb recommendation! My "prescribed" weight was a solid 50lb's. hahaha.  Nothing like throwing on a pair of 2.5lb weights, it barely lifted the bar off the ground.  I completed the 30 sets in 2:50.  Check out the link to see what the workout looks like when REAL crossfitters do it.  I by real I mean you must take off your shirt to do any work out in Crossfit. Seriously.

On another note, the chili turned out fantastic yesterday. I definitely recommend trying that recipe. I put it in the slowcooker for 7 hours if you want to do it the easy way like me.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 3

After my double workout on Tuesday I honestly didn't think I would be able to get out of bed Wednesday morn. My arms and neck were in lots of pain. It's a good thing I have to drop Matt off at work otherwise I could have just laid there for hours.  I forced myself to go to Nike and run on the treadmill. The weather has been pretty crappy out here with rain that is just too heavy to run in.  After a SOLID two miles I threw in the towel to stretch!  Even stretching felt like a chore.

Today has started off on a better note. Thankfully my body just needed that day of "rest" and I was able to log 5 miles this morning with energy to spare.  But this challenge isn't all about working out! It's also about diet and so I wanted to share the Turkey Chili dish that I threw in the crock pot this morning. I modified it a bit. Instead of using Ground Beef I threw in Ground Turkey and instead of the Tom Juice I used Stewed Tomatoes.  Will let you know how it turns out.  If you have a delicious recipe that you've made feel free to share it! I'm always looking for new dishes. Stevie, maybe you should post your chicken tender one?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 2

After a groggy Monday I woke up with TONS of energy Tuesday morning.  I know Kelly and Morgan have their "Double Workout Monday" so I decided to try the double dip yesterday! Ran 5 miles in the morning and joined Matt for a Crossfit work out at night.  If you are looking for  something that is going to push you, try the Cindy workout that we did.  I can barely move my body today.

20 minutes do as many reps as you can:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air squats

Our trainer modified the program and we did 5 minutes on, 5 minutes rest for a total of 20 minutes of Cindy.  The rest sounds like a great thing but it actually ended up being harder because your body just wants to stop and you have to get it going again.  I ended up doing 18 reps of Cindy. Afterwards I could barely lift my arms to wash my hair.

I hope everyone else enjoyed their Tuesday as much as I did :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 1 Complete!

Alrighty, I hope everyone had a good first day with the challenge.  I didn't exactly wake up roaring to go Monday morning but I did manage to get a late workout in with Matt and eat clean throughout the day.

I also have my results from the fitness test:
2 mile run = 17 mins 1 sec
60 sec PushUps = 24
60 sec SitUps = 31

I debated posting my measurements on here but since I am the one who decided to start this thing I believe I have to do it.  Also, since this is a 3 month challenge I thought we should test ourselves monthly to see how we are progressing.  So 30 days from now we will do the fit test again.  Post your results in the comment box below so we can compare.

Here are my measurements:
139 lbs
Waist = 28 in
Hips = 34.5 in
Chest = 32.75 in
R.Quad = 21 in
R.Bicep = 11 in

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Challenge starts tomorrow! Fitness test results will be posted this week. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 9, 2012

90 Day Challenge

With January being the month of resolutions I wanted to create a place where friends and family can get involved in a 90 Day Challenge together.  I know most everyone wants to lose those extra lb's that they gained over the holidays! We are always so eager to get active in January only to have that dwindle away by the time March rolls around. What better way to stay on target than to have the people closest to you hold you accountable.

This 90 Day Challenge is meant to help motivate you and get you feeling your best.  I think we should measure this in a couple ways. First is a fit test. I thought we would use an official test, one that soldiers use!  They measure themselves thru: push-ups, sit-ups and a timed 2 mile run.  Record the amount of push-ups you can do in 1 minute and sit-ups in 1 minute and how long it takes you to run 2 miles. Post your numbers so we can keep track and refer to it in 3 months time.  The other measurement is, of course, your weight and inches.  You can keep these numbers to yourselves or feel free to post them if you like.

I encourage everyone to post links or info that you think might be useful during the 90 Days.  Let me know if you think I'm missing something. I'm going to wait a few days before officially starting this so that we can get a good group of people involved.  Looking forward to the 3 months ahead and seeing everyone's progress.  I'll post to let everyone know when it's ready, set, GO TIME!

Good luck!