Sunday, March 25, 2012

Days 61-65

Yesterday was the last workout for the CrossFit Open and I couldn't even do it! The workout involved 2 movements, one was Thrusters and the other was Chest to Bar.  Thrusters are a combination of a front squat and overhead press done with a barbell, this I can do.  What i can't do is Chest to Bar!  This is a pull up that requires you to touch the bar with your chest making you pull higher than a regular pull up. You would think that being a woman it would be easier for me to hit the bar with my chest but unfortunately it's not. I actually tried so hard to do this exercise that I flew off the bar and fell on my side! haha.  It was quite embarrassing because it was in front of the whole crew at the gym.  Matt almost caught it on camera because he was going to record my work out on video.  That would have been pretty funny for you all to see.  So after trying more than 30 times to do this movement combined with hurting myself I decided to sit out on 12.5.  The Open was fun to be a part of because it really gives you an idea of the things you need to improve upon.  There are some competitions coming up in the summer months that Matt and I want to be a part of so we better get to work!

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