Monday, March 12, 2012

Days 51 & 52

My goal of achieving 8 rounds in the 12.3 workout did NOT happen.  Holy crap.  The combination of going from the Push Press to the Toes to Bar almost killed me after 2 ROUNDS!!  I seriously did not think I was going to make it the full 18 minutes.  I ended up completing 6.5 rounds which I was really happy with after understanding how tough this workout was.  Being part of the Open has really got Matt and I thinking that we would like to try and compete next year.....and by compete I mean make the Top 60 in the North West Region.  The CrossFit Games takes the Top 60 from each region to compete in the Regionals and then the top 3 from that go to the Games in California.  A pipe dream perhaps but something worth trying for!


  1. Hey Randi, what's got 2 thumbs and will dramatically increase your odds in making the Top 60...(points 2 thumbs at self) THIS GUY! G'doish!

  2. Well you better get down to Portland and help a sista out!
