Monday, February 13, 2012

Days 18-22

22 days in and feeling good! This past weekend was jam packed.  Friday night we went out with friends for dinner and then 10 pin bowling.  I don't know about you but the last time I went bowling was years ago.  My wrist and hands were actually tired by the end of our 4 games.  Saturday morning Matt and I started the day off with a great workout called the Filthy Fifty.  I will list that workout at the end of the post.  We were then treated to a day at the spa thanks to my sister and her boyfriend, Ben.  They purchased us a gift certificate for Christmas and we decided to redeem it this weekend.  Nothing like a 15 minute foot and leg massage while sipping some champagne followed by a 90 minute couples massage.  Matt and I stepped out of there looking like we were still asleep.  We had both never had relaxing massages before only RMT massages so this was a nice treat.  

On Sunday I ran in a 12k Valentines Run along the Portland South Waterfront with about 400 others.  The morning was perfect, no rain and about 7 degrees.  It's funny when you run those races because even though you aren't really racing (it's supposed to be for charity) you tend to pick out a few people that you keep seeing throughout the run and internally you are saying to yourself, "there is no way this person can beat me".  The person that I had picked was this curly haired girl who was running in what looked like hiking boots.  She started off the race ahead of me and about 2 miles in I passed her, only to be passed by her a few miles later, I thought to myself "no way this girl is running faster than me in those clunky shoes", and so I passed her again a few minutes later.  Well she must have realized the race within the race that we were having and she just took off! She literally bolted and ended up kicking my butt. ha.  I swear you can never judge runners by how they look, the minute you do they ended up running right by you.  I was happy with my results though.  That girl pushed me to run faster than I usually do and I ended up averaging an 8 minute mile and finishing 12k in 1 hour 3 minutes.  

I was inspired by my friend Alex to try and make a Nicoise salad last night.  She had made it for us a few weeks ago and it took me back to our trip to France last year where I tried that salad for the first time in Nice.  There is a bit of prep involved with boiling the eggs and potatoes and blanching the green beans but it is all worth it.

Next week is going to be a true test for the diet and exercise regime.  Matt and I are heading to New York for 8 days.  Traveling is always the hardest time to stick to any plan so it will be a new challenge to find healthy options while we are away.  I'm looking forward to a few runs in the famous Central Park.

Here is that Filthy Fifty workout that Matt and I did on Saturday to earn our spa day.....

For time:
50 Box jump, 20 or 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
50 Walking Lunges, 20lb dumbells or 30lb
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 14lb or 20lb ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders or 150 single skips

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