Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 11 & 12

Trying to figure out new running routes in a new city can have some trial and error to it.  Luckily my run yesterday was 95% hassle free.  When you live in the suburbs you don't exactly have the most scenic views while working the pavement. It's mostly road, traffic light, more road, another traffic light and let's throw a train stop in there too.  There is nothing worse than having to stop a million times during your run because guess may not start up again!  The feeling of stopping can be too good to pass up sometimes.  Yesterday, however, for the most part my run was wonderful.  I was able to find a 10k loop that only involved 2 traffic lights and one train.  Not bad.

This weekend I get to run at the place I love best.  Stanley Park.  I personally love running this path first thing in the morning, breathing in the fresh sea air and looking out to the mountains.  You will also notice a kind of runners code where every runner that goes by either waves, gives a nod or says "good morning". This positive energy always puts a little extra hop in my step.  So far I haven't found a place that can match the Stanley Park route and I miss living close to it.

Enjoy the Superbowl weekend everybody! Chat with you early next week.

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