Thursday, May 17, 2012

90 Days Complete!

A little late coming but here are my results for the 90 Day Challenge! Nothing drastic but i'll take it :)

90 Days Ago:

2 mile run = 17 mins 1 sec

60 sec PushUps = 24

60 sec SitUps = 31

Weight - 139 lbs

Waist = 28 in

Hips = 34.5 in

Chest = 32.75 in

And now......

2 mile run = 15 min 22 sec
60 sec of Pushups = 28
60 sec of Situps = 35

Weight - 136 lbs
Waist - 27in
Hips - 32.5 in
Chest - 32 in

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Days 74 & 75

I came across an interesting article about cravings and what your body actually needs when you are craving a certain food.  For example, if you crave chips your body is really asking for calcium.  I was happy to see that in the "sweets" column grapes are suggested as an alternative.  Sweets are my nemesis and we have battled for years....I'm now over 8 days without a single teaspoon of sugar and grapes have been my go to, mangoes as well.  I've been able to go in spurts without sugar but nothing long term. I'm hoping that this is the start of a sugarfree Randi....with the odd earned treat ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Days 69-73

Okay I know I'm totally killing it with these documentaries but I just can't get over some of the stuff I'm learning and I want to share it.  60 Minutes this past weekend had a segment on sugar and asked the question, Is it Toxic?  On this special there was a doctor by the name of Robert Lustig and he mentions another presentation that dives further into how different sugars are digested by the body.  This talk is less "sexy" but his explanation about how fructose (corn syrup) is digested by the body versus sugar from fruit is truly eye opening and he believes this is the reason why some many people are obese.  He does not believe that all calories are equal and this is why the calorie in/calorie out method does not work for people trying to lose weight.  Click on the link below to watch.....

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Days 66-68

I watched another great documentary that I wanted to share with you.  It's free to watch online till March 31st.  It's called Hungry For Change and if you've been looking for a reason to give up sugar...they give you 90 minutes worth of interesting information.  Worth the watch if you have the time.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Days 61-65

Yesterday was the last workout for the CrossFit Open and I couldn't even do it! The workout involved 2 movements, one was Thrusters and the other was Chest to Bar.  Thrusters are a combination of a front squat and overhead press done with a barbell, this I can do.  What i can't do is Chest to Bar!  This is a pull up that requires you to touch the bar with your chest making you pull higher than a regular pull up. You would think that being a woman it would be easier for me to hit the bar with my chest but unfortunately it's not. I actually tried so hard to do this exercise that I flew off the bar and fell on my side! haha.  It was quite embarrassing because it was in front of the whole crew at the gym.  Matt almost caught it on camera because he was going to record my work out on video.  That would have been pretty funny for you all to see.  So after trying more than 30 times to do this movement combined with hurting myself I decided to sit out on 12.5.  The Open was fun to be a part of because it really gives you an idea of the things you need to improve upon.  There are some competitions coming up in the summer months that Matt and I want to be a part of so we better get to work!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Days 53-60

Since watching the Forks Over Knives documentary Matt and I have been eating WAY LESS meat. Last week we went 6 out of 7 days strictly vegan and to my surprise it wasn't that hard.  Now I'm not saying that I've converted to Veganism full time but I am enjoying the challenge of eating a more plant based diet.  My sister's birthday was this past weekend and knowing that her favourite dessert is coconut cake I decided to try and make her Vegan Coconut Cupcakes.  They turned out perfectly!

Another vegan recipe I wanted to share that was super simple to create is called Avocado Pesto Pasta.  It literally took us 20 minutes total to put this all together.  The avocado pesto is super creamy and tastes incredible! It will definitely be added to the rotation.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Days 51 & 52

My goal of achieving 8 rounds in the 12.3 workout did NOT happen.  Holy crap.  The combination of going from the Push Press to the Toes to Bar almost killed me after 2 ROUNDS!!  I seriously did not think I was going to make it the full 18 minutes.  I ended up completing 6.5 rounds which I was really happy with after understanding how tough this workout was.  Being part of the Open has really got Matt and I thinking that we would like to try and compete next year.....and by compete I mean make the Top 60 in the North West Region.  The CrossFit Games takes the Top 60 from each region to compete in the Regionals and then the top 3 from that go to the Games in California.  A pipe dream perhaps but something worth trying for!