Thursday, April 5, 2012

Days 74 & 75

I came across an interesting article about cravings and what your body actually needs when you are craving a certain food.  For example, if you crave chips your body is really asking for calcium.  I was happy to see that in the "sweets" column grapes are suggested as an alternative.  Sweets are my nemesis and we have battled for years....I'm now over 8 days without a single teaspoon of sugar and grapes have been my go to, mangoes as well.  I've been able to go in spurts without sugar but nothing long term. I'm hoping that this is the start of a sugarfree Randi....with the odd earned treat ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Days 69-73

Okay I know I'm totally killing it with these documentaries but I just can't get over some of the stuff I'm learning and I want to share it.  60 Minutes this past weekend had a segment on sugar and asked the question, Is it Toxic?  On this special there was a doctor by the name of Robert Lustig and he mentions another presentation that dives further into how different sugars are digested by the body.  This talk is less "sexy" but his explanation about how fructose (corn syrup) is digested by the body versus sugar from fruit is truly eye opening and he believes this is the reason why some many people are obese.  He does not believe that all calories are equal and this is why the calorie in/calorie out method does not work for people trying to lose weight.  Click on the link below to watch.....

Sugar: The Bitter Truth